Thursday, August 27, 2009

Life in UICT laboratory ..........

My first encounter in the research field.......... a reality came into existence, research is not the new discovery or invention but, literally a To accept the fact was difficult but it has to go by this way only. Unless and until you don't follow, you cannot discover or invent, "this was the first optimism feeling which was imbibe in me". Second crush, all theoretical funda fail when you yourself perform, How that is possible??????????
I said to my self, hold on Ketakee... syllabus things are worn out, try to manage the things with day to day literature!!
It took me 3 months to digest such a complicated ideas, tearing thr' all these hardships I came up with my first research publication within the six monts of joining, this was the most happing thing in my research phase which gave me motivation to grow up with realities. I accepted the challange to become a hardcore researcher and grow with the subject expertise.
My journey as a researcher started..............